Name = Volt Kruger
Age = 27
Height = 6'4"
Fighting Style = Wrestling

Special Moves(Bought by Bouncer Points)

Shoulder Uppercut = A Shoulder Tackle that comes in low and knocks the enemy into the air.
Hammer Typhoon = A spinning Lariat that can hit multiple enemies at once.
Lift Up Slam = Basic Guerilla Press Slam
Power Bridge = Basically a Belly to Belly release Suplex.
Cannonball Strike = Picks up Enemy and throws them.
Earthshaker = Slams opponent into the ground twice.
Giant Swing = Basic big swing, grabs opponents legs, spins them around, then releases them.

Trinity Attack
Sion starts off with a 3 hit combo, third hit sends the enemy to Kou, Kou does a quick Hammer Lock, then kicks then toward Volt, Volt says "You're going down!" Then Chokeslams them down, and finishes it with a quick snap on the enemy's neck when they're down on the ground.

Back Ground Info

Volt Formerly worked as a Body Guard for Adoptive Father of Dauragon Mikado, Who was then framed for his death by Echidna, and was shot in the head left for dead. He battled his way back to full health, got numerous facial piercings, and has since lived the under ground life as a Bouncer for the Bar Called "Fate". His Past gives him a lot of insight to the workings of Mikado and leaves Kou and Sion Baffled to how he knows so much.