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This is a list os some of my Drawings That I did on Groupboard's Drawingboards.

1) Gunman a pic of a Gunman I drew one night.

2) Midnight Fun, a pic of a Guy and a Werewolf.

The Next Couple of ones are done in a series as a part of My KISS PSYCHO CIRCUS Series. Enjoy.

3) The Demon, a Pic of Gene Simmons in his Alternate Persona "the Demon".

4) The Celestial, a pic of Ace Freley's Alternate Persona "The Celstial"

5) The Star Bearer, A pic of Paul Stanley's Alternate Persona "The Star Bearer".

6) The King of Beasts, a pic of Peter Criss's Alternate Persona "The King of Beasts"

That's it for the KISS Series, I'm either thinking of doing some other things or something else down the road...heh heh

7) Wolfwood, a pic of Nicholas D.Wolfwood from The Trigun Series.

8) Vash the Stampeade a pic of Vash the Stampeade from Trigun, done on the Single user Board at Groupboard.

9) Improv a pic done by Tempast on the left and me on the right totally improvational.

10) Collaberation a pic of a collaberation by Me on the left and Gilder on the right.

11) Wolfie a pic of my Character for a short story, pic by me.

12) Voodoo a pic inspired by Godsmack's Song.

13) Garou is a pic of a Werewolf, or a Garou as described by White Wolf's "Rage: Werewolf Apocalypse".

14) Flight of the Skajaquada is a pic inspired by the Green Jelly Song same as the pic title.

15) Meow is a pic of a Lycanthrope Cat, done on the Stand Alone Board.

16) Sitting Wolf is a pic of a Werewolf Sitting, done on the Stand Alone Board.

17) Krillin is a pic of Krillin from Dragon Ball Z.

18) Spidey is a pic of a very generic looking Spiderman and Mysterio done while talking to my buddy Eric.

19) Night of the Garou is a pic of a Garou(werewolf) I did on ATK's Oekaki board.

20) "Werewolf of London" is a pic I did while listenting to "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevron on Scribble Kid's Oekaki. Thanks to my roommate for backing this one up.

21) "Poses" is a kind of cheesy pic I did while listening to "Poses" by Rufus Wainwright.

22) "Breathe With Me." is a pic I did while listening to "Breathe" by Prodigy. I really like the way the breath showed up as did the people on Meri and Teri's Oekaki, probably my best work to day.

23) "The Crow" A really weak tribute to James O'Barrs' "the Crow".

24) "Mixel Fight!" a fun little pic I did on Mixel's Oekaki board of Mixel just for the hell of it..

More to come when I remember to upload them and work on my site some more....

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